About Me

Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it's yours.

Ayn Rand
Atlas Shrugged

I'm Jean Rojas

Whitney leaning against a railing on a downtown street
Photograph by Gregory Boll

I was born in Venezuela, on March 22, 1996. Ever since I was a child, I always felt drawn towards computers. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford one, because I came from a very poor family. I remember my school days; saving each dime to pay for a couple of hours in a cyber cafe, frequently playing flash-based games and storing them in my 3/1 media disks (I had a lot).

Finally, when I became an adult, I received my first computer! I couldn't have been happier. However, when I tried to install a couple of games, it appeared that some of those games (cracked software) containing some virus that negatively affected my computer. My dad ‘s words were "You need to fix it yourself; I have no money left to spend on a technician. Hence, I figured out how to format my pc and perform a fresh install of Windows XP.It was at that moment , that I felt like a Prometheus bringing the fire to the mortals (figuratively speaking, of course).

Since 2014, the Economy in my country has been ruined due to government corruption and the low prices of oil. When I was 18years of age; I took the exam to study at the most prestigious university in my country (UCV). Alas, I failed by just a few points. I was depressed and it was a very difficult time for me. My father left us, and I had to become the man of the house; in order to support my mom and brothers. Whereas I pushed my dreams aside and started working 2 jobs in fast-food restaurants for a full year. I saved every left-over dime that I had. Thankfully, I was able to purchase a cheap laptop. Additionally, I attended an expensive diploma that was taught on the UNEWEB(a private institution which certifies devs with a diploma).

When I started working towards my diploma, I felt terribly disappointed with the program. It offered nothing new to me; in fact, I frequently experienced conflicts with it! I found the content to be outdated and the lack of attention was awful. Not to mention, the ridiculously high prices. Nonetheless, I didn't want to give up, so I approached my studies in an advantageous way (Frankly speaking…. I knew way more than the average person attending these courses). Having said that, I needed to promote myself in a robust way. All my hard work paid off and, ultimately led me to getting my first job with XAMP stack. Truth be told, I strongly dislike PHP; but that was my only option at that time. After all, Serverside language and Node were still very new. As time went by, I discovered Node and Isomorphic. It was, indeed, THAT software, that was the beginning of an amazing journey for me. This experience turned my life from zero to hero!

What I do

Get in touch

If you are looking for an engineer who is passionate about creating beautiful, intuitive, and functional applications, I would love to hear from you.

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+1 (929) 224-5443

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